0207 127 4203
07976 829 461 / 07976 829 462
CPD for Dental Care Professionals, Medical Professionals & Trainee Dental Nurses
It is the policy of Course Kings Ltd to attach the greatest importance to the Health, Safety and Welfare at work of all its own and its customers employees. We believe that this is the Management responsibility, which ranks equally with the Company’s commercial activity. The promotion of health and safety at work is a mutual objective for both employer and employee and the responsibility of management cannot be properly discharged without the full and active co-operation of all employees.
This is the statement of general policy and arrangements for Course Kings Ltd
Overall and final responsibility for health and safety is that of Course Kings Ltd
Day-to-day responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice is delegated to: Kevin Morgan
Statement of general policy Responsibility of Kevin Morgan
Course Kings Ltd is an equal opportunities employer and discrimination on the grounds of colour, sex, religion, race, ethnic origin or sexual orientation is strictly forbidden.
In line with this, our statement of general policy is:
❖ To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities.
❖ To consult with all our employees on matters affecting their health, safety and well-being.
❖ To provide and maintain safe plant and equipment and systems of work to ensure they are safe and without risk to health.
❖ To ensure the safe handling and use of all substances used in connection with our work activities.
❖ To provide information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure the competency of all employees to safely carry out their duties.
❖ To prevent accidents and cases of all work related ill health.
❖ To ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to ensure adequate resources (time, money and manpower) are available for this policy to be implemented.
❖ To provide appropriate personal protective equipment without cost to employees.
Hazards, which may exist in connection with the work activity, are identified and eliminated through risk assessments. Where hazards still remain they will be brought to the attention of the person who may be exposed.
❖ To ensure adequate first aid provision on all work sites.
❖ To maintain safe and healthy working conditions.
❖ To review and revise this Health and Safety Policy as necessary at regular intervals.
It is the aim of Course Kings Ltd to promote the highest standards of health, safety and welfare throughout its organisation in the performance of its activities.
Courses and Events on Client sites
When instructors or other representatives of Course Kings Ltd deliver courses or events on client sites, such representatives of Course Kings will work strictly to this health and safety policy and any Health and safety policy and health and safety arrangements of the client where such policies are fully in harmony with the Health and safety at work act and any amendments. Course Kings Ltd will not be held liable for any accidents property damage or ill health to any person on a client site who is injured due to Health and safety negligence or unsafe and or inappropriate activity on the part of the client, clients’ employees the clients’ contractors or visitors.
Organisation: Course Kings Ltd
Adopted By: Kevin Morgan (Director)
Date: 2nd December 2017