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What is ILS or Immediate Life Support

The objective of Immediate life support is to train healthcare personnel in the causes and prevention of cardiopulmonary arrest, the ABCDE approach, resuscitation and defibrillation, the use of medical oxygen, and airway management, including the use of airway adjuncts.

Who is this course for?

Immediate life support training is for:

  1. Anyone who is a healthcare professional is required to advance their skills above essential life support

  2. Any Dental Professional who is using sedation or dental nurses who assist in dental treatment with patients who undergo sedation

  3. Oversees dentists wishing to practice dentistry in the UK

Why choose Course Kings to deliver your course?

  1. All our courses are engaging, and our instructors use various teaching techniques to accommodate all learning styles. No one is ever bored!

  2. All our ILS /PILS (Paediatric) Instructors are fully qualified and undergo yearly instructor evaluations

  3. Highly practical course delivery

  4. Central locations  

  5. Combined ILS /PILS in 1 session



7 hours 9 am to 5 pm



7 hours verifiable CPD



Pro Trainings UK

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Learning Outcomes

  • Understand basic life support requirements

  1. Describe the principles that underpin basic life support

  2. Explain the circumstances under which resuscitation is performed

  3. Explain why early intervention is necessary

  4. Describe different types of cardiopulmonary arrest

  5. Understand what pulse oximetry is and why it is important in assessing a patient

  6. Explain the ABCDE approach to patient care

  7. Explain how to check a patient's pulse, temperature, blood pressure and other observations.

  8. Explain what Hypoxia is and how it affects the patient

  9. Explain the difference between heart attack, Angina and sudden cardiac arrest

  • Be able to demonstrate basic life support techniques and automated external defibrillator use in line with current guidelines.

  1. Demonstrate cardiopulmonary resuscitation

  2. Demonstrate compression-only resuscitation

  3. Demonstrate the use of resuscitation barrier devices

  4. Demonstrate how to manage a choking adult, child and infant

  5. Demonstrate the use of an automated external defibrillator on a child and adult

  6. Describe the difference between using an automated external defibrillator on a child and an adult

  7. Explain why suction is used to maintain the airway

  8. Explain why an oropharyngeal airway is used and why it is beneficial to the airway

  9. Explain the requirements of a do-not-resuscitate order

  10. Demonstrate correct use of a bag valve mask

  • Be able to demonstrate post-resuscitation procedures

  1. Describe the principles that underpin basic life support

  2. Explain the circumstances under which resuscitation is performed

  3. Explain why early intervention is necessary

  4. Describe different types of cardiopulmonary arrest

  5. Understand what pulse oximetry is and why it is important in assessing a patient

  6. Explain the ABCDE approach to patient care

  7. Explain how to check a patient's pulse, temperature, blood pressure and other observations.

  8. Explain what Hypoxia is and how it affects the patient

  9. Explain the difference between heart attack, Angina and sudden cardiac arrest

  • Be able to demonstrate post-resuscitation procedures

  1. Demonstrate how to place a casualty in the recovery position

  2. Identify the risk when placing a casualty in the recovery position

  3. Describe handover and reporting procedures

  4. Describe the correct oxygen administration for a patient

  5. Understand the correct assembly, disassembly and storage of an oxygen kit

  6. Explain the different types of oxygen masks and when you would use them

  • Be able to carry out basic user maintenance and troubleshoot problems with an automated external defibrillator

  1. Identify when a defibrillator battery needs changing

  2. Identify when electrode pads need to be changed

  3. Demonstrate how to troubleshoot problems if the AED does not function correctly

  • Understand the safe use of an automated external defibrillator

  1. Describe the safety considerations when using AED’s

  • Understand medical emergencies and the treatment required

  1. Describe the following medical emergencies and the treatment required. Asthma, Hyperventilation, Anaphylactic shock, Diabetes, seizures and epilepsy, Sepsis


Assessment method and terms and conditions

Please note that to pass this course, all applicants must complete a minimum of 7 learning hours and successfully pass a written and practical assessment. All participants must be willing and able to fully complete all practical elements of the course, including practical assessment, kneeling to perform CPR and rescue breaths and turning another learner into the recovery position.

All certificates are valid for 12 months

LS (Immediate life support for Health care professionals)

This is for learners who work in hospitals and medical centres


ILS for Dentists (ILSD) (Immediate Life support for Dental workers)


PILS (Paediatric Immediate Life support)

This course is for candidates who work with children, such as in paediatric dentistry.


ILSD                                      £165.00 including VAT

ILS                                      £165.00 including VAT

PILS                                      £165.00 including VAT

ILS/ILSD/PILS COMBINED  £225.00 including VAT



Please book now by calling 0207 127 4203/07976 829462     


GROUP BOOKINGS PLEASE CALL 0207 127 4203 or 07976 829462

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